Turntablist Transcription Methodology HQ
PMØS_100 v.1.3 pro HYBRID Edition (includes TTM notation app bundle)
PACS™ (PMØS_100 Ascii Character Set) Classical Edition.TTF
PMØS_100™ Pro v1.3 Skratch Sampler (w/ 100 Keyboard Keystrokes, Notator & more)
PACS™ (PMØS_100 Ascii Character Set).TTF
PMØS_100™ Skratch Sampler v1.2 Lite (w/ Notator, Calculator & Typewriter))
100 Button Calculator™ (PMØS_100)
TURNTABLISM 101: Mixing Scratching, BeatJuggling & History(17 Hour UDEMY COURSE)
PMØS_100 v.1.3 pro Classical Edition (includes TTM notation app bundle)
Crunc Tesla – Welcome To The Circus E.P
Crunc Tesla – What's Really Rad? The Gray Plague LP (2007)
Crunc Tesla – What's Really Rad? EP (2005)
Turntablist Transcription Methodology 1.0 (2000)
Periodic Matrix of Skratches v1.1.3 (digital poster)
Periodic Matrix of Faderless Skratches (digital poster)